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Dawn: Recon in Force to Loos. The Sqn put up 8 BE 2's . We Got hit by Fokkers that were above us. I went wide to make an end run . It didn't work a e/a dropped on our six, I did a Blue Max and dove to ground level weaving among trees on our side of the lines. May have got a Victory. The Fokker took a header into the dirt. We put in a claim, but Archie may have got it. Score: 2 a/c missing and 3 light damage including mine landed at Friendly Aerodrome.

1521 hrs, Bombing mission to Ypres: B Flight 5 patched up a/c + 5 Bristol's Scouts as escort. Scouts engaged 6 Fokkers over target area. They kept the e/a off our backs as we completed bombing run. Some bombs did hit then
everyman for himself and headed home. Footnote, I did spot a E III spinning may have been out of control over N.M.L.

Last edited by carrick58; 06/18/14 04:00 PM.