
At the moment Sgt Burroughs may be wishing he'd stayed with 15 Squadron as his first mission yesterday after the seemingly endless rain-outs had him leading an escort of five Quirks across the mud to bomb an enemy aerodrome. As they were returning he and his wingman had to battle a trio of Einies, and while they were successful in protecting the B/R buses young Artemus was forced down with a dud engine and landed on the bad side of the mud. He is currently a guest of the Kaiser but is crafting a most clever plan and his escape is imminent, (he'll be back in camp by Thursday).

Fly smart everyone!


Last edited by RAF_Louvert; 06/18/14 01:50 PM.

[Linked Image]

Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked.

Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above.
"pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"