
Olham, as I noted in the post I linked to from 2011, look to the charts and take the kill numbers for the late period of the War and double those amounts, letting those new figures represent completed missions. As example, flying DID as a British two-seater pilot in your current campaign, you would need to complete between 18 to 24 missions to be awarded your first gallantry medal. Again as noted, by using the same figures for all periods of the war and in all areas you will be simulating how it was considerably easier to do your job as a B/R pilot early in the War and in the quieter sectors than it was later on and/or in the 'hot spots'.


[Linked Image]

Three RFC Brass Hats were strolling down a street in London. Two walked into a bar, the third one ducked.

Former Cold War Warrior, USAF Security Service 1974-1978, E-4, Morse Systems Intercept, England, Europe, and points above.
"pippy-pahpah-pippy pah-pip-pah"