Respawn Times

Posted by: Oscar_352nd

Respawn Times - 08/16/07 11:32 AM

I seem to have lost my crib sheet on setting Respawn times for objects. Once upon a time, Oleg gave us a code block for the mis files that would allow you to set these times. Does ANYBODY still have this information?

Posted by: Aviar

Re: Respawn Times - 08/17/07 02:19 AM

For online dogfight missions (on a server) you may use the following functions:

1. To freeze daytime changes in the game, add TIMECONSTANT 1 into section [MAIN] of the MIS file.


MAP Kuban/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 2
CloudHeight 1300.0
army 1
playerNum 0
TIMECONSTANT 1 <-----Added Function
2_Static ships.Ship$Tramp 1 184649.82 49110.10 675.00 0.0
3_Static ships.Ship$Tanker 1 184681.46 48986.47 495.00 0.0
4_Static ships.Ship$Tanker 1 184972.95 48790.90 485.00 0.0

2. Object respawn times for dogfight missions are set up in the [RespawnTime] section of the MIS file.

Available object categories are:

Bigship - (Category: Stationary Ships-Larger Ships)
Ship - (Category: Stationary Ships-Smaller Ships)
Aeroanchored - (Air Balloons)
Artillery - (Categories: Artillery, Stationary Armor)
Searchlight - (Searchlights)

The time is measured in seconds. Minimum allowed delay is 20 seconds and maximum is 1000000. 1800 seconds (30 minutes) is the default value.


Bigship 1800 <----30 minutes (default)
Ship 900 <----15 minutes
Aeroanchored 600 <----10 minutes
Artillery 300 <-----5 minutes
Searchlight 3600 <-----1 hour

**Example in actual MIS file:

MAP Net3Summer/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 2
CloudHeight 1000.0
army 1
playerNum 0
[RespawnTime] <-----Added Section
Bigship 300 <-----Added Category\Value
Ship 300 <-----Added Category\Value

**This will respawn all ships in 5 minutes.

***These added categories seem to erase if map is changed (edited) and saved! You will have to enter them again.

****The 'Artillery' respawn function does not work on Stationary Objects or Stationary Aircraft, but it does work on anything in the 'Stationary Armor' and 'Artillery' categories in the FMB. For instance, the ZSU-37 (stationary armor) will respawn using the 'Artillery' setting. Basically, anything that spawned earlier can have their respawn time changed.

Happy Flying!

Posted by: Oscar_352nd

Re: Respawn Times - 08/17/07 02:42 AM

Thank You Aviar - exactly what I was looking for!