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#622596 - 02/07/04 09:16 AM Re: F-15 At My Site

Works Great On My Ati All In Wonder 7200 w/ 32 Mb Ram AS Well

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#622597 - 02/07/04 09:49 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
Gramps Offline

Registered: 11/22/01
Originally posted by CatsEyes:
I'm temporarily using a Radeon 7000 64mb while I wait for a replacement for my GeForce. No flashing at all. (Workable framerates, too, to my surprise.)

You may want to fiddle with your settings for Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering. Try setting them both to 'application preference'.

No thoughts on the roll rate, Gramps? I was expecting to get eaten!
Actually mate, I'm having a chuckle over the whole thing. I think we've had it all WAY too easy in that we just jump from one aircraft to another and expect to be experts right away. What people who are having trouble flying her need to is more practice! As in real life, you can't just jump in a new aircraft and expect to be a screamin' demon. So practice, practice and more practice. I've flown this bird for many hours and are confortable with what she can and can't do. So thank us for the challenge, I thought it what people want? ;\)


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#622598 - 02/07/04 09:56 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
AD Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 10/29/01
Loc: South East Asia
The aircraft rolls so fast it throws itself into a flat spin and then spins at what can only be described as warp speed 8...

"One thing puzzles me Baldrick, how did you manage to get so much custard out of such a small cat?"

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#622599 - 02/07/04 10:02 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
Gramps Offline

Registered: 11/22/01
I've got 26 kills in her, so practice practice practice.....

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#622600 - 02/08/04 04:55 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
Falcon Six Two Offline

Registered: 10/05/03
Guys, this is probably a dumb question but, is it possible to have Anti-Aliasing, or any of that AF, FSAA whatever I see on high-end cards? Is it possible w/ my vid card? Thanks.
Myself: i need a parental advisory sticker on my butt cheek
Girl: yeah, you should have a belt made of caution tape

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#622601 - 02/08/04 05:01 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
BigDog Offline

Registered: 01/08/03
Loc: Beaufort, South Carolina. USA
I like the way she flys, I fly it in hard mode and she just kick butt, ya have to be easy on the stick. I love this bird and the scooter the best in the whole game. landing is a blast. Great job guys. BigDog \:D

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#622602 - 02/08/04 05:41 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
pcpilot Offline

Registered: 11/12/02
Loc: a pine tree far, far away...
Gramps, Ive been fooling with my settings, (havent got the flashing to quit), and I am pretty convinced its the card. The flashing seems to stop after a couple minutes into the flight. When it does, the framerates goes back up. Its still a mystery why it doesnt flash on the other planes but Im not gonna lose any sleep over it, lol. Still having a lot of fun with this bird. Thanks to you and your team.
"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny."

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#622603 - 02/08/04 10:59 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
Gramps Offline

Registered: 11/22/01
It's a pity, hope you don't have the same problem when the E model comes out.


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#622604 - 02/09/04 01:29 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
CatsEyes Offline

Registered: 07/27/01
Loc: Sydney NSW Australia

I'm wondering if there isn't some other issue here, to do with different joystick inputs or something.

The F-15's roll rate is so OTT on my machine it's actually uncontrollable. Believe me. And I've seen other posts here to that effect.

Obviously you and others aren't experiencing that, though.

But I have never had this problem with an SF FM before.

Is it possible there's something in the FM code that my joystick (simply ole MS Sidewinder USB) doesn't like?

Or some other computer-specific issue?

Believe me, I'm not trying to give you a hard time about this. Otherwise it's a gorgeous piece of work. But I could practice till the cows came home and not get anywhere right now. And I've flown one or two flight sims in my time.
"Wait until you see the whites of his eyes."
Sailor Malan, 'Ten of My Rules for Air Fighting', no. 1

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#622605 - 02/09/04 10:34 PM Re: F-15 At My Site
Gramps Offline

Registered: 11/22/01
I can only suggest two things:

1/ Everyone who's having this issue post all their specs and we'll see if we can find a common denominator.

2/ Those who are having trouble can experiemnet with the FM themselves, or if someone who has FM experience AND is having this trouble can pick the ball up and run with it.

We can't really do anything about it ourselves. Not one of the beta testers had this problem. One did think the roll rate was too high, by no means uncontrollable, and he's flying well with the Eagle in any event.

The only problem we had unresolved (which I didn't experience personally) was the ability to roll using the rudder pedals only and not lose any altitude.


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